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发布时间:2024年01月19日 09:28 作者: 点击:[]









2017.09-2022.06 西北农林科技大学,农学院,作物栽培学与耕作学,博士(硕博连读)

2013.09-2017.06 青岛农业大学,农学院,农学,学士


2022.07-至今 山西农业大学农学院


1. 旱区高效农作制度

2. 旱作农田水肥资源高效利用

3. 整合分析(Meta-analysis)在农田栽培与耕作中的应用




1. 山西省重大科技专项计划揭榜挂帅项目课题,2024.01-2026.12,主持;

2. 中国博士后基金项目,2025.01-2026.12,主持;

3. 山西省基础研究计划(自由探索类)项目,2022.11-2025.11,主持;

4. 山西农业大学科技创新基金博士启动项目,2022.07-2028.06,主持;

5. 山西省高等学校教学改革创新项目,2024.05-2026.05,主持;

6. 山西省优秀博士来晋工作奖励项目,2022.11-2024.12,主持;

7. 山西省三区人才项目,2024-2025,主持;




1Liu, S.J., Li, Y.Q., Zhang, Y.R., Chen, L.J., Li, H.X., Liao, Y.C., Li, Y.J., Zhang, G.X.,* Han, J., 2025. Controlled release urea combined with normal urea maintains the N balance and improves the environmental and economic benefits in wheat–maize multiple cropping. European Journal of Agronomy 163, 127446.(中科院一区TOPIF=5.2


(1)Zhang, G.X., Cui, C.G., Lv, Y.F., Wang, X.Y., Wang, X.F., Zhao, D.H., Hu, F.S., Wen, X.X., Han, J., Liao, Y.C., 2024. Is it necessary to increase the maize planting density in China? European Journal of Agronomy 159, 127235.(中科院一区TOPIF=4.5

(2)Liu, S.J., PuBu, C.J., Li, Y.Q., Zhang, Y.R., Zhu, Y.Z., Chen, L.J., Zhang, G.X.,* Han, J., 2024. Optimal N fertilizer management method for improving maize lodging resistance and yields by combining controlled-release urea and normal urea. European Journal of Agronomy 156, 127159.(中科院一区TOPIF=5.2

(3)Zhang, Y., Lv, Y.F., Liao, Y.C., Zhang, G.X.,* 2024.Effect of Ridge–Furrow with Plastic Film Mulching System and Different Nitrogen Fertilization Rates on Lodging Resistance of Spring Maize in Loess Plateau China. Agronmy 14, 1298.中科院二区,IF=3.7


1Zhang, G.X., Zhang, Y., Liu, S.J., Zhao, D.H., Wen, X.X., Han, J., Liao, Y.C., 2023. Optimizing nitrogen fertilizer application to improve nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield of rainfed spring maize under ridge-furrow plastic film mulching planting. Soil and Tillage Research 229, 105680. 中科院一区TOPIF=7.366

2Zhang, G.X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, D.H., Liu, S.J., Wen, X.X., Han, J., Liao, Y.C., 2023. Quantifying the impacts of agricultural management practices on the water use efficiency for sustainable production in the Loess Plateau region: A meta-analysis. Field Crops Research 291, 108787.中科院一区TOPIF=6.145

3Zhang, G.X., Zhao, D.H., Fan, H.Z., Liu, S.J., Liao, Y.C., Han, J., 2023. Combining controlled-release urea and normal urea with appropriate nitrogen application rate to reduc1e wheat stem lodging risk and increase grain yield and yield stability. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 22(10): 3006-3021.中科院一区TOPIF=4.8

(4)Zhang, G.X., Liu, S.J., Wang, X.Y., Wang, X.F., Zhang, Y., Zhao, D.H., Wen, X.X., Han, J., Liao, Y.C., 2023. Mixed application of controlled-release urea and normal urea can improve crop productivity and reduce the carbon footprint under straw return in winter wheat-summer maize cropping system. European Journal of Agronomy 151, 127002.中科院一区TOPIF=5.2

(5)Liu, S.J., Li, W., Liu, L.L., Wen, X.X., Liao, Y.C., Zhang, G.X*., Han, J*., 2023. Optimizing Sowing Patterns and Nitrogen Management Strategies Used to Balance Maize Crop Productivity, N2O Emissions, and Economic Benefits in the Loess Plateau Region of China. Agronmy 13, 13092220.中科院二区,IF=3.7


(1)Zhang, G.X., Hou, Y.T., Zhang, H.P., Fan, H.Z., Wen, X.X., Han, J., Liao, Y.C., 2022. Optimizing planting pattern and nitrogen application rate improves grain yield and water use efficiency for rain-fed spring maize by promoting root growth and reducing redundant root growth. Soil and Tillage Research 220, 105385.中科院一区TOPIF=7.366

(2)Zhang, G.X., Zhao, D.H., Liu, S.J., Liao, Y.C., Han, J., 2022. Can controlled-release urea replace the split application of normal urea in China? A meta-analysis based on crop grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency. Field Crops Research 275, 108343.中科院一区TOPIF=6.145

(3)Zhang, G.X., Dai, R.C., Ma, W.Z., Fan, H.Z., Meng, W.H., Han, J., Liao, Y.C., 2022. Optimizing the ridge–furrow ratio and nitrogen application rate can increase the grain yield and water use efficiency of rain-fed spring maize in the Loess Plateau region of China. Agricultural Water Management 245, 106657. 中科院一区TOPIF=6.611

(4)Zhang, G.X., Meng, W.H., Pan, W.H., Han, J., Liao, Y.C., 2022. Effect of soil water content changes caused by ridge-furrow plastic film mulching on the root distribution and water use pattern of spring maize in the Loess Plateau. Agricultural Water Management 261, 107338. 中科院一区TOPIF=6.611

(5)Zhang, G.X., Liu, S.J., Dong, Y.J., Liao, Y.C., Han, J., 2022. A nitrogen fertilizer strategy for simultaneously increasing wheat grain yield and protein content: Mixed application of controlled-release urea and normal urea. Field Crops Research 277, 108405. 中科院一区TOPIF=6.145


1Zhang, G.X., Mo, F., Shah, F., Meng, W.H., Liao, Y.C., Han, J., 2021. Ridge-furrow configuration significantly improves soil water availability, crop water use efficiency, and grain yield in dryland agroecosystems of the Loess Plateau. Agricultural Water Management 245, 106657. 中科院一区TOPIF=6.611

