姓名 冯万军
电子邮箱 fengwj123@sxau.edu.cn;fengwj123-123@163.com
通讯地址 山西省晋中市榆次区蕴华西街238号山西农业大学高粱研究所
2007-2012 中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院 作物遗传育种 博士
2003-2007 中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院 农学专业 学士
2025.01-今 山西农业大学农学院种子系 教授
2023.11-今 山西农业大学高粱研究所 副所长
2022.05-2023.11 山西农业大学农学院种子系 系主任
2015.12-2024.12 山西农业大学农学院种子系 副教授
2013.07-2015.11 山西农业大学农学院种子系 讲师
1. 玉米氮素利用机制
2. 种子活力形成机制
3. 玉米种质创新与新品种选育
1. 新农科+OBE理念的种子生产学课程教学改革探索与实践,山西省高等学校教学改革创新重点性项目,主持
2. 山西省玉米育种联合攻关子项目——玉米新品种测试、展示及交易平台构建,山西省农业关键核心技术攻关项目,主持
3. ZmSAUR11调控玉米叶片衰老的分子机制研究,山西省自然科学基金(面上),主持
4. 五位一体式种子科学与工程专业人才培养模式探索与实践,山西农业大学教学改革研究项目,主持
5. 氮高效玉米种质创新与新品种培育,山西农业大学育种工程项目,主持
6. 基于转录组和蛋白质组分析玉米氮素利用效率杂种优势的分子机理,山西省自然科学基金(青年),主持
7. 玉米种子胚萌发过程蛋白质组学研究,山西省高校科技创新项目,主持
8. 旱地两熟区耕地培肥与合理农作制,公益性行业(农业)科研专项,参与
9. 山西省功能农业共性关键技术研究与示范,山西省重大专项,参与
10. 玉米穗粒数杂种优势形成的分子机理研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与
11. 小麦抗旱耐高温相关转录因子家克隆及重要候选基因功能鉴定,国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与
1. 第一作者. 种子科学与工程一流本科专业建设探索——以山西农业大学为例.山西青年, 2024, 18: 187-189.
2. 第一作者. Nitrogen Level Impacts the Dynamic Changes in Nitrogen Metabolism, and Carbohydrate and Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Improves the Kernel Nutritional Quality of Purple Waxy Maize. Plants, 2024, 13(20): 2882.
3. 第一作者&通讯作者. Phenotypic, Physiological and Hormonal Analysis Reveals the Mechanisms of Timely Harvesting for Ensuring the Seed Vigor of Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines. Agronomy, 2024, 14(8): 1770.
4. 第一作者&通讯作者. Nitrogen fertilizer application rate affects the dynamic metabolism of nitrogen and carbohydrates in kernels of waxy maize. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2024, 15: 1416397.
5. 通讯作者. 低氮诱导玉米幼苗叶片衰老过程中碳氮平衡的动态变化. 应用生态学报, 2022, 33(4):1045-1054.
6. 通讯作者. 玉米杂交种及其亲本苗期性状对低氮胁迫的动态响应.作物杂志,2022, 209(04):90-98.
7. 通讯作者. 不同成熟度玉米种子生理特性与种子活力的关系分析. 种子, 2022, 41(03):68-73+80.
8. 通讯作者. 低氮胁迫下玉米幼苗氮素和蔗糖分配特性.植物营养与肥料学报,2020,26(04), 783-796.
9. 通讯作者. 玉米自交系幼苗生物量积累及根系形态对两种氮素水平的反应及聚类分析. 作物杂志, 2019, 5, 28-36.
10. 第一作者. 玉米谷氨酰胺合成酶基因家族的生物信息学分析. 玉米科学, 2015, 23(1):51-57.
11. 第一作者.植物谷氨酰胺合成酶研究进展及其应用前景. 生物工程学报,2015, 31(9), 1301-1312.
12. 第一作者. 基于创新型人才培养模式实践教学体系的探索与实践—以种子科学与工程专业为例. 高等农业教育, 2015,4, 70-73.
13. 第一作者. Proteomic Identification of Rhythmic Proteins in Maize Seedling. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2012, 11(12), 101-108.(SCI)
14. 第一作者. 小麦磷饥饿前后根系蛋白质组差异表达谱建立及差异表达蛋白的鉴定. 作物学报, 2012,38(5), 780-790.
15. 第一作者.玉米杂交种与亲本苗期根系蛋白差异表达谱分析. 自然科学进展, 2009, 19, 619-627.
1. 种子生产与经营管理,中国农业出版社,2021.12,参编。
1. 多功能简易植物水培育苗箱. 专利号:201520002187.9,第一
2. 简便植物倒伏性测量器. 专利号::201721416080.4,第二
1. 晋农玉6号. 山西省品种审定委员会,编号:晋审玉20190067,第一
2. 晋农玉18. 山西省品种审定委员会,编号:晋审玉20200081,第一
3. 晋农玉39. 山西省品种审定委员会,编号:晋审玉20200082,第一
4. 晋鹏玉505. 山西省品种审定委员会,编号:晋审玉20210075,第二
5. 晋鹏玉985. 山西省品种审定委员会,编号:晋审玉20210076,第二
6. 联增 3000. 山西省品种审定委员会,编号:晋审玉20220023,第二
7. 晋科丰10号. 山西省品种审定委员会,编号:晋审玉20230052,第九
1. 优秀共产党员,山西农业大学,2021。
地址: 山西省晋中市榆次区蕴华西街238号山西农业大学高粱研究所
Feng Wanjun
Personal profile
Feng Wanjun, male, born in 1981, Agronomy doctor degree, professor and master's supervisor. The deputy director of the Sorghum Research Institute of Shanxi Agricultural University and a teacher in the Seed Department of the College of Agronomy. In charge of the provincial first - class course "Seed Production Science". Mainly undertakes the teaching of courses such as "Seed Production Science", "Seed Management", "Seed Production and Management" for undergraduates majoring in seed science, agronomy, functional agriculture, etc., and "Crop Seed Production Technology" "Principles and Techniques of Seed Production" for postgraduate students in the crop discipline. Long been engaged in basic research on the nitrogen utilization mechanism of maize and the formation mechanism of seed vigor. Has successively presided over 7 projects, including teaching reform and innovation projects in Shanxi Province, the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province, the Innovation Science and Technology Fund of Shanxi Province, and the breeding engineering projects of Shanxi Agricultural University. Participated in 4 projects, such as key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, public welfare industry projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, and major special projects of Shanxi Province. Seven maize varieties have been approved by Shanxi Province. Published more than 20 papers in international and national academic journals and obtained 3 national patents.
Academic Education & Work Career
Academic Education
2007-2012 |
Doctor, the direction of Crop Genetics and Breeding in College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University |
2003-2007 |
Bachelor, Major in Agronomy, Department of Agronomy, College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University |
Work Career:
2025.01 to Present |
Professor, Seed Department, College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University |
2023.11 to Present |
Deputy Director, Sorghum Research Institute, Shanxi Agricultural University |
2022.05-2023.11 |
Head of the Seed Department, College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University |
2015.12 to 2024.12 |
Associated Professor, Department of Seed Science, College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University |
2013.07 to 2015.12 |
Lecturer, Department of Seed Science, College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University |
Main Research directions
1. Nitrogen utilization mechanism of maize
2. Formation mechanism of seed vigor
3. Maize germplasm innovation and new variety breeding
Overview of Teaching and Research
Engaged in nitrogen utilization mechanism, the seed vigor formation mechanism of maize, have successively presided over by the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province, Shanxi Province Science and Technology innovation fund, Shanxi Agricultural University Projects, and participated in the Key Project of National Natural Science Fund, the Ministry of Agriculture Public Welfare Industry Projects and Major Projects of Shanxi Province. Seven maize varieties have been approved by Shanxi Province, more than 20 papers have been published in international and national academic journals, and 3 national patents have been obtained.
Teaching and Research Projects
1. Exploration and Practice of the Teaching Reform of the "Seed Production Science" Course under the Concept of "New Agricultural Science + OBE", Key Project of Teaching Reform and Innovation in Higher Education Institutions of Shanxi Province. Presided.
2. Sub - project of the Joint Maize Breeding Project in Shanxi Province - Construction of the Testing, Exhibition and Trading Platform for New Maize Varieties, Key Core Technology Research Project of Agriculture in Shanxi Province. Presided.
3. Research on the Molecular Mechanism of ZmSAUR11 Regulating Maize Leaf Senescence, General Program of the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province. Presided.
4. Exploration and Practice of the Five - in - One Talent Training Mode for the Seed Science and Engineering Major, Teaching Reform Research Project of Shanxi Agricultural University. Presided.
5. Innovation of Nitrogen - efficient Maize Germplasm and Cultivation of New Varieties, Breeding Engineering Project of Shanxi Agricultural University. Presided.
6. Molecular Mechanism of Heterosis of Maize Nitrogen Use Efficiency Based on Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis, Youth Program of the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province. Presided.
7. Proteomic Research on the Germination Process of Maize Seed Embryos, Science and Technology Innovation Project of Colleges and Universities in Shanxi Province. Presided.
8. Cultivated Land Fertility Improvement and Rational Farming System in the Double - cropping Dryland Area, Public Welfare Industry (Agriculture) Research Special Project. Participated.
9. Research and Demonstration of Key Common Technologies for Functional Agriculture in Shanxi Province, Major Special Project of Shanxi Province. Participated.
10. Research on the Molecular Mechanism of the Formation of Heterosis of Ear Grain Number in Maize, Key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation. Participated.
11. Cloning of Transcription Factor Families Related to Drought and High - temperature Resistance in Wheat and Functional Identification of Important Candidate Genes, Key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation. Participated.
Presentative papers
1. First author. Exploration of the Construction of a First - class Undergraduate Major in Seed Science and Engineering: A Case Study of Shanxi Agricultural University. Shanxi Youth, 2024, 18: 187 - 189.
2. First author. Nitrogen Level Impacts the Dynamic Changes in Nitrogen Metabolism, and Carbohydrate and Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Improves the Kernel Nutritional Quality of Purple Waxy Maize. Plants, 2024, 13(20): 2882.
3. First author & Corresponding author. Phenotypic, Physiological and Hormonal Analysis Reveals the Mechanisms of Timely Harvesting for Ensuring the Seed Vigor of Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines. Agronomy, 2024, 14(8): 1770.
4. First author & Corresponding author. Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Rate Affects the Dynamic Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carbohydrates in Kernels of Waxy Maize. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2024, 15: 1416397.
5. Corresponding author. Dynamic Changes in Carbon - Nitrogen Balance during the Senescence of Maize Seedling Leaves Induced by Low Nitrogen. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2022, 33(4): 1045 - 1054.
6. Corresponding author. Dynamic Responses of Seedling Traits of Maize Hybrids and Their Parents to Low Nitrogen Stress. Crops, 2022, 209(04): 90 - 98.
7. Corresponding author. Analysis of the Relationship between Physiological Characteristics and Seed Vigor of Maize Seeds at Different Maturity Levels. Seeds, 2022, 41(03): 68 - 73 + 80.
8. Corresponding author. Distribution Characteristics of Nitrogen and Sucrose in Maize Seedlings under Low Nitrogen Stress. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2020, 26(04): 783 - 796.
9. Corresponding author. Responses of Biomass Accumulation and Root Morphology of Maize Inbred Line Seedlings to Two Nitrogen Levels and Cluster Analysis. Crops, 2019, 5: 28 - 36.
10. First author. Bioinformatics Analysis of the Glutamine Synthetase Gene Family in Maize. Journal of Maize Sciences, 2015, 23(1): 51 - 57.
11. First author. Research Progress and Application Prospects of Plant Glutamine Synthetase. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 2015, 31(9): 1301 - 1312.
12. First author. Exploration and Practice of the Practical Teaching System Based on the Innovative Talent Training Mode: A Case Study of the Seed Science and Engineering Major. Higher Agricultural Education, 2015, 4: 70 - 73.
13. First author. Proteomic Identification of Rhythmic Proteins in Maize Seedling. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2012, 11(12): 101 - 108. (SCI - indexed)
14. First author. Establishment of the Differential Expression Profile of Root Proteins before and after Phosphorus Starvation in Wheat and Identification of Differentially Expressed Proteins. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2012, 38(5): 780 - 790.
15. First author. Analysis of the Differential Expression Profile of Root Proteins in Maize Hybrids and Their Parents at the Seedling Stage. Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19: 619 - 627.
Monographs and textbooks
1. Seed Production and Management, China Agriculture Press, 2021.12, Coedit. Achievement , patent and regulation
1. Multi-functional simple plant hydroponic seedling incubator. Patent Number: 201520002187.9, First.
2. Simple plant lodging tester. Patent Number: 201721416080.4, Second.
1. Jinnongyu 6. Approved by the Variety Approval Committee of Shanxi Province, No.: Jinshenyu 20190067, First breeder
2. Jinnongyu 18. Approved by the Variety Approval Committee of Shanxi Province, No.: Jinshenyu 20200081, First breeder
3. Jinnongyu 39. Approved by the Variety Approval Committee of Shanxi Province, No.: Jinshenyu 20200082, First breeder
4. Jinpengyu 505. Approved by the Variety Approval Committee of Shanxi Province, No.: Jinshenyu 20210075, Second breeder
5. Jinpengyu 985. Approved by the Variety Approval Committee of Shanxi Province, No.: Jinshenyu 20210076, Second breeder
6. Lianzeng 3000. Approved by the Variety Approval Committee of Shanxi Province, No.: Jinshenyu 20220023, Second breeder
7. Jinkefeng 10. Approved by the Variety Approval Committee of Shanxi Province, No.: Jinshenyu 20230052, Ninth breeder
Honors and Awards
1. "Outstanding Member of Communist Party", Shanxi Agricultural University, 2021
Contact information
Address: Sorghum Research Institute, Shanxi Agricultural University, No. 238 Yunhua West Street, Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province
Postal Code: 030602
Email: fengwj123@sxau.edu.cn; fengwj123 - 123@163.com
Tel: 13403665064